
v2track is a New Zealand based company working with clients around the globe to effectively track and communicate with aircraft, land vehicles/equipment and marine vessels.  Our unique Hybrid Sat/Cell technology transmits a combination of location and other information back to our website and mobile applications for our clients to view in real-time.  The v2track system also facilitates communication with these assets with a variety of advanced messaging options and features.

Over a decade ago, v2track started as a project to cost-effectively track aeroplanes in a remote part of Australia where one of the founders was flying as a commercial pilot.   The worth of our prototype was seen by some other players in the aviation industry and it wasn’t long until others wanted to use it commercially.  As a result, our initial technology was refined and v2track as a tracking and communication solution was born.  It wasn’t long before v2track was being used in aviation, vehicle and marine applications, expanding to operate in many other parts of the world.

While we have a popular standard offering, we also enjoy delivering customised solutions to clients who need something that isn’t ‘out of the box’.  Over the years some of these customised solutions for specific tasks have been able to be adapted to help each of our other users.  Examples of these include our helicopter specific triggers and Electronic Flight Bag data recording.

v2track prides itself on its customer care and timely support.  While there are never enough hours in the day to add everything everyone asks for, we do our best and like to keep in touch with our clients’ needs as much as possible.  Our users can take the credit for a lot of our features and advancement as they have offered useful and timely feedback which has helped us hone our system, ultimately improving it for everyone.

We are fortunate that many of our best promoters are not on staff, but are our v2track users who have become v2track enthusiasts as well!  You’ll see some of their comments dotted around this website.  Many fall in love with our system and are proactive about telling others they meet about how it is helping them and their businesses!  Thanks!

Contact us today to start your journey with v2track!


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